It’s been a while. But hey, I arrived to Recife, Brazil yesterday!
I’m still kinda getting to realize that I’m really here and that I’m going to
be here for some time now. It feels good, exciting and challenging.
By now I actually should have been in Recife for two weeks
already, but my grandma Ulla died a day before I was supposed to leave Finland,
at March 31th. She died peacefully and beautifully at the age of 81 trusting to Jesus. But
of course we, the whole big family, are missing her so, so much. Our grandma Ulla
was amazingly loving and she really poured out so much love for us. Like my
brother Juho said, grandma Ulla didn’t love selectively and cautiously. No, she
loved with her whole heart and didn’t leave anybody out.
I postponed my departure by two weeks. And it was a good decision – it was
really good to start the grieving process with the people who share the loss
and to be at the funeral and memorial service.
Just a couple of days before my grandma died, when we were still hoping
that she would get better for the cancer she had, I read this verse from the Bible:
"When they arrive at the gates of death, God welcomes those who love Him." (Psalm 116:15, The Message)
"When they arrive at the gates of death, God welcomes those who love Him." (Psalm 116:15, The Message)
What a joy is to know that grandma Ulla is now in Heaven with God. And that she was so greatly welcomed!
My grandma Ulla and my grandpa Paavo in the summer of 2008. |
Albert Einstein once said that only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. In the memorial service I told that to me grandma Ulla is one of the greatest examples of how true that is. She really lived for others, for loving, caring, comforting and praying.
I’m so thankful to God for all the love He poured to me
through my grandma Ulla. And I’m grateful that I got her in my life almost for
25 years. And I'm thankful of her life. She was married for my grandpa Paavo for over 60 years, from the year 1953 till the day she died, had six children and 20 grandchildren. Their marriage was so beautiful in so many ways and she lived a beautiful life full of love.
Yesterday evening here at the Shores of Grace base we were worshipping and singing "I wanna know how high, how deep, how wide is love, love, love." Amen. That's what I want to know, more and more every day. I want to understand more that love looks like something. Grandma Ulla showed that in so many ways: her love looked for example like hugs, kisses, her loving presence, beautiful wool socks, amazing meals, her joyful laughter and so many other things. Love really does look like somehing and I know that God wants to teach me more about how I can show His love to people anywhere I am.
Yesterday evening here at the Shores of Grace base we were worshipping and singing "I wanna know how high, how deep, how wide is love, love, love." Amen. That's what I want to know, more and more every day. I want to understand more that love looks like something. Grandma Ulla showed that in so many ways: her love looked for example like hugs, kisses, her loving presence, beautiful wool socks, amazing meals, her joyful laughter and so many other things. Love really does look like somehing and I know that God wants to teach me more about how I can show His love to people anywhere I am.
Voi Maria. <3 Oot ollu todella paljon mun mielessä viime aikoina. Kaipaan sua. <3 Ihana kirjotus, vitsi sä oot kyllä todellakin - niinku kuvaukses sanotaa - daughter of the Father God. Paljon siunausta ja voimaa Brasilian työhön. Loistat ihmeellistä valoas ympärilles kaikkialla, missä oot. Oot rakas ja rukouksissa. <3 t: Marjo
ReplyDeleteIhana. Ihana Mummo. Ihana Maria. Suurimmat siunaukset ja rakkaudet sinne! Tyyppi on niin Brasiliassa.
ReplyDeleteVoi rakas Marjo, kiitos ihanasta kommentistas ja niin rohkasevista sanoistas!! <3 :') Tuo viesti oikeasti todella rohkasi ja ilahdutti. Mieki kaipaan sinua paljon! Tosi harmi, ettei nähty ennen minun lähtöä, mutta toivottavasti mahollisimman pian sittekku tulen takas Suohmeen. Sieki olet niin valtavan rakas!! <3
ReplyDeleteAino, ihana Aino <3 Kiitos rakas kommentistas. Ja hei, kiitos niin paljon Face-viestistäs. Luin sitä eilen kyynelheet silmissä, se oli jotain niin tärkeää ettet uskokhaan. Vastaan pitemmin ku ehin <3
Rakastan teitä, siskot Marjo ja Aino! <3
Moi Maria! <3 Ihana kuulla, että olet päässyt turvallisesti perille. Näin mä ainakin siis ymmärsin, mutta mun ymmärryksen taso ei olekaan niin kauhean korkea... :D Mutta tässähän tätä englantia nyt voi reenata. Siunausta sulle sinne jokaisen päivän jokaiseen hetkeen. Olet rakastettu, sisko! <3 T. Eeva Loimaalta
ReplyDeleteYou look like her!
ReplyDeleteMoi, Eeva rakas! <3 Oikein turvallisesti olen päässy perille! Hyvin ymmärsit ja nimenomhaan, todellaki opit tässä treenatessa hyvin englantia!! :) Kiitos niin ihanista ja rohkasevista sanoistas <3 Valtavasti iloa päihviis ja voi kuule, sieki olet NIIN hurjan rakastettu!
ReplyDeletePäivi, wow, I'm so happy to hear that!! <3 Thank you!